Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Santa Fe Springs? Earthquake ~ March 16, 2010

Hey! The danged (4.4 mag at about 4:04 a.m. PDT) thing seems to have epicentered pretty much here at the Burrow ('bout a block from the crossing of the 605/San Gabriel River Freeway and the 5/Santa Ana Freeway), from the vague and differing fearmonger TV newsies.  They're calling it 'the Pico Rivera Earthquake', while giving specs that suggest it's more in SFS, although the latest sounds like they were about zeroing in on the Rose Hills sign.  For you foreigners, that's a big but not- (unlike the HOLLYWOOD sign) tasteless sign on a high point of the original - now vastly expanded - Rose Hills Cemetery north of Whittier at the western terminus of the Puente Hills, the letters internally lit at night with a rosy glow, easily seen for many miles along the San Gabriel and Rio Hondo rivers region to the sign's south and west.  The LS of the sign can be seen from the bottom of a cliff along the trail in Sycamore Canyon, a shear-off unsuspected by those who have only seen the smooth green cemetery side of the hill; curious about erosion there, and the 'cliff dwellers' along the canyon with their half-stilt million+$ big houses.

At any rate, just a damageless rumble here; not so much as a knick-knack knocked.  Kitties but little disturbed.  No yelling, barking, howling, sqwacking, car alarms, cracks, smells, etc.  When I went out to sniff the gas meter, I was the only one outside.

HALLELUJAH...& mayhap no aftershocks - or, please God! it's not a foreshock of something larger.

An old earthquake hand (though thankful to never having suffered significant harm), I was awakened from my traditional pre-quake, doesn't-occur-at-other-times Huge FN Spaceship Invasion Dream.  I used to be able to predict quakes and even feel little ones as much as 200 miles away.  But it meant being a nervous nelly.  I desensitized by the Grace of God, and now just they're Just Another C&@##y Thing.  Let's try:     

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